Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Memorial Day!

We went out to the cemetary on Memorial day to see the boys' grave site and it was beautiful, thanks to everyone who went out and showed there love for our boys! Payden, Parker and Porter love going out to the cemetary to see their brothers, every time we go out before we leave the boys say, "we love you Praven and Chase". Again we love and miss you Praven and Chase!!!


  1. How sweet Jenn, that is so good you keep your boys in touch with their little brothers. It's a good way to help them understand it all. Hope your wounds are healing...love you Jenn!

  2. Oh my goodness, I am a crying mess! It is bitter sweet. You guys are so strong. I look up to you for your strength and patience. You are such good parents and make such adorable little boys. We think about and pray for you often. Love you.
